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Simple Method To Stop Your Dog From Begging For Food

If you really want to stop your dog from begging for food, you're going to need to learn to refrain from giving in to his begging every time there is food around. It is not a secret as to the reason why a dog begs, well, it is because they would like food as soon as you have food anywhere near you or as soon as you go in the kitchen.  Begging isn't disrespectful or weird to your puppy; it's instinctive, so it takes a great deal of consistency to reverse that behavior if we've been reinforcing it. This begging "attitude" began a long time ago with the dog's descendants. With time, this became instinctive to wolves which carried over to dogs through their DNA. Our dogs are hard-wired to seek opportunities to get food from us and given that they're observant they quickly grasp that begging brings about payoffs when we respond to all these signals that they have gained mastery so well over time. It is one of the most common complaints of pet owners, howeve...

5 True Reasons Your Dog Is Not Responding to Your Commands

So, your dog is not listening to your commands, almost as if you were invisible to him when you want his attention and react positively to what you want him to do. Let's have a look at these helpful pointers to help make your dog listen.   Why Won't My Pup Listen?   One of a pooch owner's greatest frustrations can be a dog that doesn't pay attention to what it is told to do.   it can be aggravating-- and it can also be dangerous. After all, this kind of communication can help keep your pooch out of trouble, stopping him from running out into a busy street or eating something he shouldn't. It can additionally help keep you sane by allowing you to deal with problem habits.   All pet dogs are good listeners, still, they need the appropriate support and connection with their owners to realize this. In the event that your dog is not responding to your commands, it's likely due to one of the following reasons.   1. You Might Not Be Fun Enough   In c...

Can a Dog's Personality Change

  Different life events and habits tend to influence the personalities of different people. Surprisingly, dog's personalities tend to change in a similar manner as they age. Although personalities may vary from one species to the other, most dogs will become less active and less curious over time.   Dogs can change significantly depending on their daily interactions and reactions to various situations. It is so amazing how the dog's personality traits change largely with routines. Primarily, the personalities of dogs are affected by three distinct aspects, including their age, changes in personalities of their owners, and the quality of their relationship with people. Since dogs' bodies and brains change as they age, it is relatively sensible to conclude that their personalities do change. In this article, we will explore dog's personalities, how they change over time, and the changes that dogs go through. Here we go.   What is a dog's personality? At its ...