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5 True Reasons Your Dog Is Not Responding to Your Commands

So, your dog is not listening to your commands, almost as if you were invisible to him when you want his attention and react positively to what you want him to do. Let's have a look at these helpful pointers to help make your dog listen.


Why Won't My Pup Listen?

 One of a pooch owner's greatest frustrations can be a dog that doesn't pay attention to what it is told to do.

 it can be aggravating-- and it can also be dangerous. After all, this kind of communication can help keep your pooch out of trouble, stopping him from running out into a busy street or eating something he shouldn't. It can additionally help keep you sane by allowing you to deal with problem habits.

 All pet dogs are good listeners, still, they need the appropriate support and connection with their owners to realize this. In the event that your dog is not responding to your commands, it's likely due to one of the following reasons.


1. You Might Not Be Fun Enough

 In case your dog isn't listening, they may have grasped that there is a more significant bonus in paying no attention to you-- more squirrels to go after, more time to sniff the grass, you name it. The one and the only way to get your dog's interest is to become more captivating than whatever they are currently doing.


2. Fear of Punishment

 Think carefully before you correct your dog for misbehavior (And do not employ improper forms of consequences). For instance, your pooch gets out the front door and leads you on an hour-long pursuit through the neighborhood. In the event that you punish your pooch for finally returning home (or merely allowing themselves to be caught), your pup will associate that correction with the last action they took-- returning.


3. Perseverance and Change of Surroundings

 Our dogs genuinely want to do the right thing, but we must give them the tools. In the event that you feel your dog isn't listening because she's being difficult or uncooperative, take into account that maybe she just does not get it.

Training your dog takes staying power and perseverance. When you don't put in a little time instructing her the commands you want her to learn on a daily basis, she's not going to pay too much attention to you. You have to begin showing your dog commands in a quiet atmosphere with no distractions and slowly and gradually change surroundings over the course of the training sessions.

 For instance, when coaching your dog the command "come," you'll start out at home when no one else is around. Ultimately, you will need to take your pet dog to the park and other places so you can train her that she has to respond at once regardless of where you are. Then work up to surroundings with a multitude of diversions and work on the exact same thing.

4. You're Communicating In the Wrong Language.

 If your pet dog seems to be disregarding you, possibly it's just a "language barrier" of sorts. Dogs are very tuned into body language. The next time your pet dog doesn't listen to you, take into account if she truly understands the question.).


5. Don't Be Repetitive with the Command.

 One of the greatest oversights dog owners make when training their pet dogs is being repetitive. As an example, when you tell your pup to sit and she doesn't accomplish it right away, most people will repeat it once again within seconds. After saying the command two or three times, the dog may sit and then you praise her for obeying. The problem is that when you do this, you're actually teaching your pet to only sit after you say the word two or three times.


In The Event That All Else Fails, Seek Professional Dog Training Help.

 In the event that your dog is not responding to your commands, whatever why the most suitable solution may be found through a skilled dog trainer.

 Good dog trainers don't just know effective ways to get a dog to sit, or lie down; they can interpret connections between pups and owners and help you understand how to improve them. That leads to a happy ending for both you and your dog, and lots more listening, and finally no longer needing to state that your dog is not responding to your commands.


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